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- Rod moves vertically so the center can be determined easily.
- Turning motions are converted into tightening force.
A-40 · A-1040
- Whole-screw-under-neck small knurl knob.
- Protrusion from the panel surface is small so the trouble with protrusion is minimized.
- Insert key and turn it to pop up the handle so opening and closing the door is easy.
- For both left-hand and right-hand use by changing the cam.
- The A-403 lock is used the personal coin lock (C-288 type) to add to variations in keys.
- Popping distance from the panel surface is 10.5mm to minimize inconvenience.
- Inserting and turning the key pops the handle to make the door opening and closing easy.
- For both left-hand and right-hand use by changing the cam.
- A standard lock approved by Japan Vending System Manufacturers Association can be incorporated.
- Securing plus locking double-safety mechanism.
- Standard lock is used the personal coin lock C-288.
- Electric lock with three-point securing is optionally available. (forcibly unlocking handle allows solenoids on top and bottom of the door to be energized to lock the door.)
- Grip improved for better handling.
- Can be installed with screws from both front and back.
- Attach caps after installation.
- Installed with screws both on front and back of the panel.
- Cap is set up after installation.
- Can be installed with screws on either front or rear surface.
- Cap should be set up after installation.
- Waterproof (using O-ring and packing)
- Thin type. Thickness of surface is 4mm. Depth between panel installation surface and stopper plate is 40 mm.
- For both left-hand and right-hand use by changing the cam.
- Special small cylinder (C-288-H) is used for standard lock.
- Key can be removed only when locking. Ensure locking without fail.
- Waterproof (using O-ring and packing)
- Thin type. Thickness of surface is 4mm. Depth between panel installation surface and stopper plate is 40 mm.
- For both left-hand and right-hand use by changing the cam.
- Special small cylinder (C-288-H) is used for standard lock.
- Key can be removed only when locking. Ensure locking without fail.
- You can get the rod stroke of 32mm by pulling up the handle lever.
- Multi-point tightening enabled.
- The handles are attached outside of the packing so these are water-resistant.
- The lock comes standard with the TAK60, a new-style reversible key with an easy-to-use dustproof shutter.
- Both light-hand and left-hand use type. (The right-hand use can be switched to the left-hand use or vice versa by reversing the gearbox)
- A standard lock approved by Japan Vending System Manufacturers Association can be incorporated.
- The hardening guard ring makes the cylinder's peripheral surface stronger and protects it from drilling breaking.
- The important components inside the handle are protected, to prevent breakage or opening by forced turning of the lock.
- Forcible lock detachment prevention mechanism is incorporated.
- Ensure locking thanks to double-latch mechanism.
- Lock can be changed by using a Plus screwdriver.
- One-touch locking only by pressing the handle.
- Standard lock is a personal coin lock type (C-288).
- For both left-hand and right-hand use. (the left-hand or right-hand use can be changed by reversing the cam)
- A standard lock approved by Japan Vending System Manufacturers Association can be incorporated.
- Waterproof (using O-ring and packing).
- Flush type. Protrusion from the panel installation surface is 4mm.
- Key can be removed only when locking. Ensure locking without fail.
- Special thin cylinder (C-288-G) is used for standard lock.
- For both left-hand and right-hand use. (the left-hand or right-hand use can be changed by reversing the cam)
- A standard lock approved by Japan Vending System Manufacturers Association can be incorporated.
- A lock-forcibly-removing prevention mechanism is used.
- Locking is ensured due to the double-latch mechanism.
- One-action locking by pushing in the handle.
- A durable type of the pop handle mini A-407. Panel drilling dimensions are same.
- Standard lock is used the personal coin lock C-288.
- For both left-hand and right-hand use. (the left-hand or right-hand use can be changed by reversing the cam)
- A standard lock approved by Japan Vending System Manufacturers Association can be incorporated.
- Can be locked simply by pressing the handle.
- For both left-hand and right-hand use. (the left-hand or right-hand use can be changed by reversing the cam)
- Personal coin lock (C-288) is used for standard lock.
- Waterproof packing for latch hole and waterproof packing for switch hole are available. (optional)